Begin your medical school journey

What we offer…

Our mission is simple - to empower excellence in medical admissions by
providing a one-stop-shop for all things medical admissions 🩺 💯

We offer an 8-week comprehensive group AND one-on-one training suite for the UCAT starting in May 2024

Not to mention, MMI training and simulated interviews, written application help and even
support just getting a gauge on how the medical admissions process actually works 🤯

We’re here to support you every step of the way 🧗

What we do differently…


We’re CLEAR because every one-on-one session and Workshop is mapped to an admissions curriculum written by successful medical students and doctors with backgrounds in high school and university teaching. 



We’re CONSISTENT because you can expect the same thorough and detailed explanations, feedback and support from every interaction you have with us. 

That means best-in-class resources, including our…

• MED STAR Handbook for The UCAT

• MED STAR Handbook for The MMI

We’re here for the journey ahead. That means the same reliable medicos backing you every step of the way.



We deliver CALM because we understand that students and their families find the medical and dental admissions processes inherently stressful. Medicine and Dentistry are ultra-competitive courses. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get in. Or that the admissions process needs to burn you out. 


We do admissions support delivered differently, with Clarity, Consistency and Calm.

Because in the world of medical admissions,
strategy is everything!

We will work with you to find a strategy that works. Once we find that strategy, we hone that strategy from the ground up, taking all the stress out of admissions and making your path to success CLEAR.

This all means that we RETURN CONTROL to you by teaching you the skills needed to complete the medical and dental admisvsions process with ease and confidence. 

Our standards for ourselves and our students may be high, but accountability and consistency make for outcomes that leave us STAR-struck!! 🌟

Doubt has killed far more dreams than failure ever will.